How to Get Rid of Trash Room Odors


How to Get Rid of Trash Room Odors

Trash room: a collection of garbage holed up in a small, hot room. 会出什么问题?? 好吧, if you have a trash room in your facility, you know that the festering odors of rotting waste are certainly one possibility.

State Chemical is a chemical manufacturer and distributor that provides solutions for a spectrum of problems—one of which is trash room odors. Few factors can make a space as unpleasant as odors, and we know how frustrating it is when a bad smell just won’t seem to go away.

To help you learn how to eliminate your trash room odors, we’re going to explain where these odors come from, 如何识别问题, and what your options for treatment are. After reading, you’ll better understand your issue and know how to get rid of it.


Before we explain how to treat the problem, let’s look at what makes trash rooms smell in the first place.

任何垃圾通常都会有气味. As soon as any organic material is involved, it will create odors from natural decomposition. So, when you take an entire building’s waste—whether it be spoiled milk, 脏尿布, 腐烂的水果, or a tenant’s deceased lizard—there is a lot of bacteria and decay in one room.

As you know, this emits foul smells. 然后 these smells are all trapped in a small, enclosed space without a way to escape. 随着垃圾的分解, 气味停留, and it begins to permeate the room—even as new trash is brought in and out.

This can become even worse by season. 夏季的炎热带来 out more stenches, and your heating system may do the same in the winter. The potency varies, but the odor is always there.

This can then attract bugs and other pests and promote bacterial growth. 此时此刻, not only will you have an odor problem, 但你会有卫生问题, 蛆的问题, 老鼠问题, 等. The longer it goes on, the more putrid the odors will become and the dirtier the room will be.

Identify the Source of the Trash Room Odor

Your first step to eliminating these problems is to 找出气味的来源. Sometimes, it’s easy: the trash cans themselves. Maybe they have residue, liquid, or a permeated smell inside. These are usually easy-to-recognize issues, but other times, they may require more investigation.

Say you scrub out the trash cans and use air fresheners in the room, but the smell remains. It’s possible that waste fell behind something and is stuck rotting, worsening the odor despite your best efforts.

同样的, the odor might have physically permeated the room to the point that several cleanings and fragrance treatments will be needed to resolve the issue.

It may take time to figure out the exact problem area, 但一旦你有了一个清晰的画面, you’ll know which treatment method to use.

How to Get Rid of Trash Room Odors

Depending on your specific odor problem, treating trash room odors will be pretty straightforward.

If you trace the root of your odors to the trash cans themselves, you’ll want to use a product for 现场处理, which means directly using a product on the trash cans.

For example, if your trash cans simply reek, use a 随时可用的气味控制喷雾 在他们身上. If there’s liquid pooling at the bottom of your trash cans, use a 有香味的颗粒 to absorb the liquid and leave behind a pleasant fragrance. When you’re experiencing issues with insects (usually caused by odor problems), use a spray, granular, or other product that contains citronella or another insect repellent to treat odors while deterring insects.

Meanwhile, if the root of your problems is the room itself, use an 自动气味扩散器 for consistent 气味控制 and fragrancing. This will eliminate odors from the room while simultaneously adding a fresh scent to cover up any remaining odors.

However, for the best 气味控制 in your trash room, it’s most effective to combine spot treatment with scent diffusers. 这种方式, you can consistently treat the problems associated with incoming trash while also ensuring that the room as a whole stays fresh and pleasant.

整体, you have many options for many subcategories of problems, but when you combine the right methods for you, 你会注意到其中的区别.

Learn 关于 State Chemical’s Trash Room Program

Trash rooms smell putrid by nature, and it can make them awful spaces to work in or visit. However, these odors can be managed. When you find the right treatment method for you, your trash room can even smell good.

To learn more about what odor elimination might look like in your trash room, 联系下面的State Chemical.